Most effective drug psoriasis

Early stages of psoriasis is not always diagnosed in a timely manner. This is due to the similarity of clinical manifestations from dermatitis of allergic nature, lishaynyh rash inritant as a result of contact with chemical substances. In such cases usually use creams for general use, for example: Early stages of psoriasis

  • made of calendula, chamomile, burdock;
  • contains zinc oxide;
  • enriched sulfur;
  • salicylic cream;
  • anti-inflammatory ;
  • in more complex cases, where aminoglycosides and steroids.

Instead of creams, you can apply creams containing these components.

Further development of the disease is caused by a pathological condition keratinocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages. As a result of their penetration into the skin of the individual plots thicken, swell, covered with a special tape steel Shine. Over time, these areas dry up and may explode.

During this period, treatment should be specific and occur against the background of the General treatment of the body.

What are the treatment for psoriasis?

Effective treatment for psoriasis to achieve the following effects:
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic;
  • regener trucks;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Improve blood circulation (vascular);
  • anti-proliferative;
  • Cytostatics.

Representative of such drugs are prednisone, hydrocortisone, cyclosporine, such as A-class.

Negalagenizirovannye glyukokortikoily (advantan, elokom) is also quite effective, and has virtually no contraindications. With their participation, it is recommended to care for the child patients and the elderly.

The main reason for the skin changes – the proliferation of T-cells can be successfully treated with dithranol and means, containing in its composition. Examples include dithranol . The use of such drugs is quite long and can cause side effects in the form of itching or more swelling.

How aromatic retinoids?

The best remedy for psoriasis is certainly difficult to find. Individual approach to each patient is what should be the basis of treatment. Recently, many patients help treatment with retinoic acid.

Atsetrin (neotigazon) is representative of this group of drugs. The effect of adoption is due to the direct effects on the tissue of the dermis, regulation of cell division and early death of young cells. As safe as possible, not to provoke complications. Background the regulation of cell metabolism, reduces the permeability of the capillaries, relieves swelling and improves water-salt metabolism inside biological tissues. Out of the psoriatic erythroderma, reduce, or go "down" pustular rash.

Along with retinoids apply local anti-inflammatory therapy (ointments with diclofenac, indomethacin), whose purpose is to:

  • The removal of edema;
  • The alignment of skin relief;
  • Remove the itching;
  • Adjustment of the local temperature.

What is the rating of the creams for psoriasis?

The effect of all ointments can be divided into: weak, moderate, strong and very strong. The patient should begin to be processed immediately, strong compositions, because they quickly develop into addiction. In addition, many of them are quite severe side effects.

When hydrocortisone (the most basic cream, which is anti-inflammatory in nature), patients prescribed flume. It is especially suitable for patients with exudative manifestations. The result of its application to reduce bleeding wounds, the skin is dried and smoothed. If the patient has not observed any positive changes in treatment, which seems to be the cream a strong therapeutic effect. One of them is triamcinolone acetonide. It helps the itching, relieve anti-inflammatory nature, has the effect of proliferative processes keratinotsidov.

And finally, the most effective remedy is the ointment clobetasol . It prevents the keratinization of the skin cells is the hypo-allergenic effect, regulates the processes of the division of skin tissues.

Is it possible to treat the creams?

The most effective remedy for psoriasis is one, which is suitable for a particular patient. In some cases this creams that contain:

  • Vitamin D and its analogs – adjust the fabric composition, and usefulness of the structure of each cell;
  • Vitamin A and its analogs – effective keratinotsidy;
  • Antipigmentatsionnye parts .

Quite a lot of positive feedback on the use of psoriasis cream. It contains naftalan oil and birch tar. Works directly with the upper part of the plaques is their gradual release of the flakes. As a result, the color of the plaque is reduced, the skin gradually compared to the undisturbed plots.

Creams can contain natural and herbal ingredients. There is a decent authority

  • Series;
  • Birch tar;
  • It aralia;
  • The Seeds Of Portulaca;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Castor oil and other
How many healers, so many prescriptions.

Whichever cream or was selected for use, it must be applied to clean skin (including the residue from the previous drug component). Before greasing the skin should be completely dried or treated with antiseptic (if exudative manifestations).

What can enhance the effect of ointments and creams for psoriasis?

Today known to a wide list of physiotherapeutic procedures, improve the therapeutic effect of the active substances. Among them, it is worth dwelling on:

  • light therapy (PUVA), including ultraviolet irradiation (load on the body must be strictly avoid the tendency of oncology morbo the skin);
  • Climatotherapy (optimum temperature, moisture content and mineral composition);
  • Laser therapy (using a laser proved to be a negative effect on the blood vessels that feed plaques);
  • SWT (shock wave therapy) – the use of acoustic waves within the infrasound. Accelerates the regeneration of cells, smoothes scars, and flattens the overall topography of the surface layer.

Psoriasis treatment – the process is long and rigorous. Treatment should include systemic medication, local forms of care and restorative treatment necessary to restore its own immune protection.

Effective medicine for psoriasis will justify itself fully, if between acute exacerbations become less frequent, and the rash is characterized by lower manifestum.